Solo show curated by Alexander Plusnin

These works arose from thinking about medicine, and medicine has been inseparable from magic since ancient times, even when it was sufficiently developed. I like to think of these works from a historical perspective. At some point, I tried to look into the future through the eyes of an ancient man looking into the present. I had an image in my head of an immortal surgeon using his instruments for centuries, so they are polished with both his or her hands and the bodies of patients. This surgeon’s instruments became smooth and harmless, his technique changed from penetration to soft touch. These items cannot penetrate the body, but they can be used remotely like magic wands.

Alisa Omelianceva

The first solo exhibition of Alisa Omelianceva “Made on Earth” touches on the relationship between medicine, technological utopianism and the desire to overcome gravity in search of answers about human existence.

Alisa Omelianceva refers to such relevant aspects of modernity as intensive improvement of the functional characteristics of the human body, where the combination of biohacking, aesthetic and invasive surgery resembles the search for the modern “miracle weapon”. Alisa explores the processes in which a person polishes personal effectiveness, creates a new alloy of work and free time.

Alexander Plusnin

Virtual tour:

360 – Virtual tour. Link – 1

360 – Virtual tour. Link – 2